YeaY YeaY....Esok Gaji...suppose this Wed (25 nov)...but it was advanced for tomorrow..sonoknya...maklum le, my last emolumen was 8 okt...can u just imagine it??..for about 6 weeks i need to 'berjimat cermat'....usually..it is only 4 weeks for the next emolumen...alhamdullilah...at least, tak le terbeban sgt nak tggu hari rabu ni...
syukran!! syukran!!...
heeeee......sapa2 yng keje gov..mesti depa faham ngn situasi aku ini...heeee...
setiap kali bulan perayaan..gaji akan masuk awal..if the next month have no 'raya'...of course,
next emolumen will be bank in at the normal date...so the duration become soooo long...hahaha..jawapannya..kena le berjimat cermat.....
syukran!! syukran!!...
heeeee......sapa2 yng keje gov..mesti depa faham ngn situasi aku ini...heeee...
setiap kali bulan perayaan..gaji akan masuk awal..if the next month have no 'raya'...of course,
next emolumen will be bank in at the normal date...so the duration become soooo long...hahaha..jawapannya..kena le berjimat cermat.....
ye betul tu..aku pun kena ikat perut ni..tak sabar nak enjoy ni..hahaahaa